Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Hello all! My name is Jessica Patton and I'm from Elgin, Oklahoma. I am a Biology major with a Chemistry minor. I want to attend medical school and become an ophthalmologist. I spend a lot of time studying to achieve this goal, but I also work at CSL Plasma and volunteer at Crossings Community Eye Clinic.

My favorite class taken last semester was genetics. I was lucky enough to be exposed to genetics in high school and have loved dabbling with punnet squares & pedigree charts every since. If I am not able to attend medical school, I would look into becoming a genetic therapist. The biggest accomplishment with my classes from my previous semester would have to be the paper I wrote for genetics. It covered how a change in circadian rhythms can in turn affect metabolic processes in the body.

Outside of the classroom, the most interesting part of my semester was visiting Ireland over spring break. I was able to visit the Blarney Castle and kiss the Blarney stone. I have wanted to do this since I was in middle school. My friend and I stayed in Cork and Dublin while we were in Ireland. We were able to get a very cheap flight by flying out on St. Patrick's Day, ironically.

I have a huge place in my heart for animals, especially dogs. I have two dogs of my own, Jake and Jasmine. They live with my parents so I do not get to see them as often as I would like. However, nothing makes my day better than having two dogs run up to me when I walk in the room. My roommate and I have been discussing adopting a dog or cat, Hopefully there will be another pet to add to the list soon!

Image Information: The Blarney Castle located in Cork, Ireland. Web Source: Geograph


  1. Hi, Jessica. I heard Ireland is a home of beauty, but i never have chances to visit, just through movies. I can see how happy you are. Through the reading, i can see how much time and effort you put in, so just keep moving. Although it's late now, but i want to congratulate the success of your paper. Hope you'll do well on this semester.

  2. Oh, how great that you want to become an opthalmologist, Jess! I am extremely (EXTREMELY) nearsighted, with bad diplopia too, and so my eye doctors are my heroes. I had a horseshoe tear in my retina two summers ago that my optometrist found (yay for optometrists too!), and the eye surgeon did an amazing job lasering that. Then last summer I had iritis for some reason (they never figured out why), so I had to keep my eye dilated for six weeks: what an ordeal! Ugh! But thanks to gigantic fonts on my computer and on my Kindle I survived. Even just a century ago, I probably would not have been able to use my sight for much of anything, but my life now is really pretty normal, and I am so grateful to all the doctors and scientists who have made that possible!
    And yay for Ireland also! As you can guess, it is home to one of the world's great storytelling traditions, so maybe you will want to think about doing an Irish project for this class. There are lots of Irish story collections online, which you can explore for the Storybook brainstorming later this week. Not a very big country... but with such big stories. :-)

  3. I’m really impressed that you chose Biology WITH a Chemistry major! I don’t think I could handle one of them, yet alone both of them at the same time. My best friend and roommate just recently graduated with a Biology degree with hopes of medical school as well. Just seeing how much work she had to do and how hard she studied for the MCAT was so intimidating! But just like you I’m sure she doesn’t regret it. I am also super jealous that you got to visit Ireland. It was on my list of places I would have liked to visit while I was in Europe but sadly I didn’t get a chance!!

  4. Hi Jessica! Such a small world, all through high school I attended Crossings Community Church in Oklahoma City so I visited the community clinic often. Your major and minor sound incredibly difficult. I cannot imagine the classes you have to take. I am pretty sure I very vaguely remember genetics in high school? If it's what I think it is. I'm thinking of a four square of upper and lower case X's and Y's? Ireland sounds amazing! Such a cool opportunity that you got to do that.

  5. Hi Jessica! Your major/minor combination sounds super difficult so props to you! Thats awesome youve been able to volunteer, I am sure you get a lot of hands on experience that will you set you apart from the others in med school. I would love to travel to Ireland as well but as of now I am still a broke college student. I have heard great things so I am sure you had the most amazing time. My dog also lives with my parents but I agree that there is nothing better than going home and having them greet you when you walk in the door. I am looking into getting a dog to have as my own too but college schedules can be a little crazy, but I hope you get a pet soon!

  6. Hi Jess, I think that's so cool you got to visit Ireland during spring break! I was given the opportunity to study abroad in France this past summer. Visiting a new country is always super eye-opening to all the different cultures and perspectives.

    Animals are also very close to my heart too, and I have my own dog up here with me in Norman. I want to start my own no-kill animal shelter someday, so I love that you and your roommate have been discussing ADOPTING a cat rather than buying from a breeder!

  7. Thanks for the comment on my blog! Thanks for the suggestion of the Wichita Mountain refuge for photography. It sounds really cool & I'll definitely have to check that out if we're ever in the area or want to road trip. As far as Harry Potter characters, I find myself relating most to Hermione and Luna. I love to read & learn like Hermione, but I'm a little different like Luna & I'm ok with that. I think both are very cool female role models.

    It's so cool that you got to go to Ireland! That's another place I'd love to visit. We have one dog, she helps guard the horses & cattle that we have, so she stays at the barn. We used to have a ton of cats, but they've slowly disappeared (coyotes) until we have none & are in need of another barn cat now to help with mice.

  8. HI Jess, I think its so cool you want to become an ophthalmologist! My entire family has terrible eyesight so I’m a firm believer that the world needs more eye doctors. And wow! Biology and Chemistry? That does sound like a lot of studying. I also am really interested in genetics. I haven’t taken the class yet, but I plan to next semester.

  9. Hey Jess, I think it's great that you do community work on top of a job and school. I used to volunteer with my old soccer team at the regional food bank sometimes, so I know that it can be rewarding mentally. I'm pretty interested in visiting Ireland at some point, so I think I'll have to get in touch with you if I'm looking to go! I also have two dogs, as well as three cats, so my house can be a little hectic sometimes. Anyway, thanks for sharing!

  10. Hi Jess,

    I just finished commenting on your week two story and was excited to learn a little bit about the person behind the story. As someone who has never left the country, I think it is cool that you went to Ireland for spring break. I also have pets at home with my parents, four cats. So, I get missing them and wanting to get a pet of your own. I am hoping to do the same thing soon. Your paper for genetic sounded interesting, and definitely something to be proud of. I hope you enjoy the class and I look forward to reading more of your blog!


  11. Hey Jessica! I am so happy to hear that you felt very accomplished when you wrote your genetics paper last semester. I know how much time it takes to form a research question that no one has asked before and force yourself to learn enough about a topic to be able to make actual claims about a research topic and then back them up with evidence. To finish a huge research paper or project and actually feel content with the work that you turned in or presented has to be one of the best feelings ever! I hope that you get another chance to do a similar project that allows you to contribute to the existing research and literature in the field of genetics.

  12. Hi Jessica!
    I'm so jealous of your trip to Ireland. I've always wanted to go over there- I'm hoping to study abroad there next year, actually! My family is Irish-American, and my aunt actually traced our ancestry back to one of the counties near Blarney!
    I'm also a Biology major! I'm getting ready to take Genetics next semester, so I'm glad to hear that you had a good experience in the class!

  13. Hi jess,
    I think it is cool how you are really into genetic research. I think if you like that so much maybe go to medical school to do something with genetics rather than for ophthalmologist, but there may be more behind why you want to be an ophthalmologist. It is also cool how you got to go to Ireland. You seem like a cool person and I wish you luck in your future goals.

  14. Hey Jess,

    You are from Elgin , I have spent most of my life in Lawton. Not too far away from you. That is amazing that you have been to Ireland! This world is so big and you should take any moment you can to experience it. Your passion for animals should inspire you to be a vetenarian with being a biology major ! I wish you the best of luck this semester.

  15. Hi Jessica! I think we may have been in the same genetics class last semester. Like you, I have always had an interest in genetics, although I think you may have enjoyed the class itself more than I did. Also, I'm totally jealous that you got to visit Ireland. I hope to go at some point, but for now, I may have to read about it and enjoy other people's experiences secondhand. I'll keep looking for cheap flights though!

  16. HI Jess!
    I hope medical school works out for you! My fiance is a bio major looking to go to medical school, so I know how much time and energy it takes.
    I am jealous you got to go to travel this year! I have been wanting to go to Europe for as long as I can remember.
    My fiance and I adopted a dog from Second Chance in Norman 2 years ago and it was the best decision. If you guys decide to do it check them out!

  17. Hey Jess!

    I am also a Biology major! I had genetics last year as well and I loved it so much! Med-school seems like an adventure, but I know how much work it is so I will have you in my prayers as you undergo your journey, hahaha. Also your trip to Ireland sounds so cool, I think it would be very fun to go there! This Summer I went to Scotland and goodness, I fell in love with the British Isles.

  18. Hello Jessica! I could've sworn I commented on your Introduction already, but I guess not... anyways, I'm a Biochemistry Major! It's nice to find another scientist on here (and one with the same name no less!). I too love punnet squares and genetics. I'm hoping to sneak into the genetics lab next year in the fall, but we'll see where life takes me... It's so cool that you got to got to ireland! I really want to spend a semester in Italy through the Organic Chemistry program, but if that doesn't work out maybe I can consider going on a spring break trip too. Good luck with the rest of the semester!
